Mitsubishi Estate announced that 36 stores moved in a commercial zone in the Marunouchi park building that opened a business in Tokyo and Marunouchi on September 3

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Mitsubishi Estate announced that 36 stores moved in a commercial zone in the Marunouchi park building that opened a business in Tokyo and Marunouchi on September 3 on the third. The western-style cakes shop in the first in Japan branch shop etc. were arranged besides Brooks Brothers of the fashion opened the flagship shop. It is made easily to make a new commercial base in this region located in intermedius of Tokyo Station and Yurakucho Station, and to stroll in shopping and the eating and drinking, etc.

The title of a commercial zone is "Marunouchi Briccscea. "Ren (Brick) who opened a business named it to the adjoining land commemorating the first Mitsubishi pavilion of making. There are about 6600-square meter area of the store from the 1st floor in the underground to the 4th floor on the ground, and 22 eating and drinking shops, 13 shops, and 1 service industry shop enter.

The first in Japan branch shop is a western-style cakes shop in France that used the high-level butter that is called the chocolate shop in Spain besides Italian food shop "A―16" that used the food of U.S. California and Eshire etc.The local dish shop in various places such as the inglenook grilling shop from the country to Fukuoka, the ramen shops, and the cow tongue specialty stores in Sendai was attracted.

- 'Marunouchi park building' (Mitsubishi Estate code/8802) Http://

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このページは、jp_masterがJune 14, 2009 10:07 PMに書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「Osaka Prefecture sold off 2.8 hectares (Osakashi Chuoku and the major foreland district with the prefecture public office buildings) in prefecture Arichi」です。

次のブログ記事は「JR Western Japan showed and "Nigita Biru" of the under construction (the 28th floor on the ground and the third floor in the underground) began to show the appearance as a Osaka Station redevelopment.」です。
